Trampoline Safety


Trampolining was introduced in 1936 by George Nissen, a circus acrobat. Since the 1950s, the recreational use of trampolines has increased dramatically, particularly in North America, Europe and Australia. In the United States, backyard trampoline sales exceed 500,000 units annually.

The U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that in 2001 there were 91,870 hospital emergency room-treated injuries associated with trampolines. About 93 percent of the victims were under 15 years of age, and 11 percent were under 5 years of age. Since 1990, CPSC has received reports of 6 deaths of children under age 15 involving trampolines. Injuries and deaths were caused by:

  • Colliding with another person on the trampoline.
  • Landing improperly while jumping or doing stunts on the trampoline.
  • Falling or jumping off the trampoline.
  • Falling on the trampoline springs or frame.

Most of the trampolines associated with injuries were at private homes.

Here are the steps you can take to help prevent serious trampoline injuries, especially paralysis, fractures, sprains, and bruises:

  • Allow only one person on the trampoline at a time.
  • Do not attempt or allow somersaults because landing on the head or neck can cause paralysis.
  • Do not use the trampoline without shock-absorbing pads that completely cover its springs, hooks, and frame.
  • Place the trampoline away from structures, trees, and other play areas.
  • No child under 6 years of age should use a full-size trampoline. Do not use a ladder with the trampoline because it provides unsupervised access by small children.
  • Always supervise children who use a trampoline.
  • Trampoline enclosures can help prevent injuries from falls off trampolines.

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