- U.S. Senators of the 112th Congress
Senators of the 112th Congress
The 112th Congress is seated from January 3, 2011, to January 3, 2013 when the winners of the 2012 elections will be sworn into...
- Parliamentary Procedure for your HOA Meetings
- To make the most out of your meetings, and to be as effective as possible, it is crucial that your meetings follow a procedure.
- Federal Laws Do Apply to Homeowner Associations
- A summary of the Federal laws which apply to HOAs including Equal Employment Opportunity, Fair Housing, and FCC regulations
- The Importance of Reserve Planning and Funding
- Why Reserve Funding is crucial
- How to recruit good HOA board members
- Five tips to ensure your board never runs out of good members.
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- What is the Electoral College?
The Electoral College, administered by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), is not a place, it is a process that began as part of the original design of the U.S. Constitution. The Electoral ...
- Stimulus, Recovery Act - Florida Funding and Jobs
- How Florida's estimated $13 billion in federal economic stimulus will fund various state sectors and create jobs.
- Neighborhood Watch - How to Start One!
- How to Start a Neighborhood Watch Program in Your Neighborhood
- Buying A Used Car: How To Get The Best Deal
- Five steps to finding the best deal on the best used car for you!
- Airline Rewards Credit Cards - Get the Best Mileage for Your Money
- Spend more, fly more. But is your airline rewards credit card costing you more than the miles it's giving you?
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- Ingested Magnets - Serious Intestinal Injuries
Small magnets, like those found in magnetic building sets and other toys, can kill children if two or more are swallowed. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is aware of at least 33 cases of...
- FHA Home for Sale - How to Buy a HUD Home
- Almost anyone can buy a FHA foreclosed home, offered by HUD, and usually get a good bargain.
- Obesity Paper
- Overweight and obesity are both labels for ranges of weight that are greater than what is generally considered healthy.
- Environmental Considerations When Landscaping
- What we do in our yards often affects our neighbors and the environment.
- Securing Your Wireless Network
- A wireless network can connect computers in different parts of your home or business without a tangle of cords.
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- Massachusetts - The Bay State
Capital City: Boston Nickname: Bay State / Old Colony StateMotto: Ense Petit Placidam Sub Libertate quietem (By the Sword We Seek Peace, But Peace Only Under Liberty)Statehood: May 16, 1788 (6th)Origin...
- California - The Golden State
- The discovery of gold and the immigration in 1849 of thousands of "forty-niners" came in search of the precious metal.
- New Mexico - The Land of Enchantment
- New Mexico was under Spanish control from the 16th century until about 1846.
- Missouri - The Show Me State
- Today, more than half the population lives in Missouri's two major cities--Kansas City and St. Louis.
- Iowa - The Corn State
- Named for the Iowa River, which was named for the Iowa, or Ioway, Indians, Iowa joined the Union in 1846.
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